Human Rights vs. Democracy
- Conférence
- 21 mars 2022
- 16h-18h
La conférence de Pietro Faraguna, Associate professor of constitutional law at the University of Trieste, clôturera notre cycle annuel de trois conférences consacré aux Droits humains.
Human Rights Clashes
This lecture untitled « Human Rights Vs. Democracy: Legal or Political Constitutionalism? » is organized as part of the annual cycle de conferences : Human Rights Clashes

Conveners and Discussants:

Ioannis Panoussis
Responsable scientifiqueDoyen de la Faculté de Droit
Maître de conférences en Droit International Public, Faculté de Droit, C3RD, Université Catholique de Lille, France
Co-director Master’s in Human Rights, Security and Development – FLD

Valentina Volpe
Responsable scientifiqueMaître de conférences en Droit International Public, Faculté de Droit, C3RD, Université Catholique de Lille, France
Co-director Master’s in Human Rights, Security and Development – FLD

Pietro Faraguna
Associate professor of constitutional law at the University of TriestePietro Faraguna is currently (2022) associate professor of constitutional law at the University of Trieste. Since 2020, he serves as a clerk at the Constitutional Court of Italy. Previously, he has been post-doctoral research fellow at the LUISS University of Rome, Ferrara, and Udine. In the academic year 2014-15, he has been Emile Noël Fellow at the Jean Monnet Center of the New York University | School of Law. His research interests cover a wide area in the field of public law, including European constitutionalism, electoral law, affirmative actions and non-discrimination, theory of bicameralism, religious freedom, comparative constitutional law and legal theory. His main research focus is the exploration of national constitutional identity in Italy and Europe. He authored or co-authored academic publications on major national and international law journals (among these: Common Market Law Review, German Law Journal, International Journal of Constitutional Law, the European Journal of Constitutional Law) and published a monograph on constitutional identity in Italy and Europe.
Contact : Valentina Volpe, Associate professor of international Law :